The Journey Begins

What in the world is “Biblical bacon?” I have to admit, I am one that admires the taste of food. If someone were to give me an option at a free meal, I would look for that close James Beard Award winner! My wife once had a conference in Denver where there was an event that spotlighted the world of bacon (and another certain beverage). Throughout the Mile High Stadium, there were different types of this golden goodness. Plain, infused with seafood, cooked into chili, dried into jerky or in the pork belly form. I know, I am starting to sound like Forrest Gump with shrimp! We are a family that likes bacon. It can have that ability to bring a meal together and come on, who doesn’t love the smell and taste of this goodness?

Likewise, the Word of God has that same effect on me. It ties the soul together, guides the steps I take daily and holds all the wisdom we can even start to fathom. So, my wife (for those wondering, yes I married up and she is the brilliance behind some of what you will come to read on these pages) had this catchy phrase roll right off her lips. So you know we had to cook some up just so we could have that first picture. As I type, I can still smell this goodness in the background.

My eleven-year-old daughter asked me: “Why are you doing this? I thought you didn’t care about writing?” I am not a fan of writing, but taking classes towards ordination for the Church of the Nazarene, it has been a skill I have been told I had some talent. Where I would still argue for my benefit, I had to stop and reflect (I do much reflection as it is required weekly at those courses I take at Nazarene Bible College) on talents we may not like but God gives us anyway. Moses had the talent of leadership and he tried to weasel his way out when God called him back to Egypt. What if Moses didn’t follow the call to lead? I already have things in common with him as I wasted 30 years of my life running from the call of God on my life (we will get into that in a later post). What would I be teaching my children if God gave me a talent that I chose to not explore because “I don’t wanna?”

So here I am and here I will be. Consider this an invitation to journey with me, as this rookie pastor reflects on “bits” of scripture God lays on my heart. I may even throw in some pictures of bacon or other meat that comes off of my Weber grill along the way.

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly…” Romans 12:6a NASB


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